Hyperanchor exapmles
In this page, hyperanchor format example is described below.
Hyperanchors will differ depending on the existence of unique "id" / "name" attribute or the existence of same name node in previous siblings.
Here's the example of hyperanchor for some exemplar HTML structures.
"characters" indicate the selected range.
In case of that unique attribute exists
<META... />
<DIV id="contents">sample characters 1</DIV>
<TD>sample characters 2</TD>
<TD>sample characters 3</TD>
In case of that unique attribute exists in the previous siblings node or parent node
<META... />
<DIV id="contents">sample characters 1</DIV>
<TD>sample characters 2</TD>
<TD>sample characters 3</TD>
In case of that unique attribute does not exists
<META... />
<DIV id="contents">sample characters 1</DIV>
<TABLE id="contents">
<TD>sample characters 2</TD>
<TD>sample characters 3</TD>
In case of that multiple nodes are selected
<META... />
<DIV id="contents">sample characters 1</DIV>
<TD>sample characters 2</TD>
<TD>sample characters 3</TD>
In case of that style is set
<META... />
<DIV id="contents">sample characters 1</DIV>
<TD>sample characters 2</TD>
<TD>sample characters 3</TD>
In case of that non text node is selected
<META... />
<DIV id="contents">sample characters 1</DIV>
<TD><img src="http://www.hyper-anchor.org/tutorial/img.jpg" /></TD>
<TD>sample characters 3</TD>